What is AGI?

The term ‘AGI’, or Artificial General Intelligence refers to computer systems that can learn incrementally, autonomously, to reliably perform any cognitive task, that a human can – including the discovery of new knowledge and solving novel problems.

Importantly, it must be able to do this in real-time, with limited time and resources.

What is the Direct Path?

We have developed INSA – Integrated Neuro-Symbolic Architecture that deeply integrates all the cognitive mechanisms to facilitate Real-time Incremental Autonomous Learning.

Aigo’s INSA eliminates the need for massive data and compute requirements among other limitations of LLMs.

INSA offers the most viable and a direct path to AGI.

Why can Aigo succeed?

Aigo Pioneered Real-time Incremental Autonomous Learning leveraging INSA which is now in its third major generation, having gained two decades of research, development and real-world commercial experience. 

We are executing on a detailed roadmap to extend our current Cognitive AI engine to full human-like, human-level capabilities – to AGI.