Our Story

We may not sound like a Chatbot company, think like a Chatbot company or act like a Chatbot company — but that’s because we’ve never been interested in just making Chatbots. We started Aigo because we want to make a difference.

Our founder, Peter Voss saw a different future more than twenty years ago, a future where the quality of life for everyone in the society is radically improved as each one gets an increasingly intelligent and hyper-personalized assistant that significantly enhances productivity, engagement, problem-solving ability, and the overall well-being.

With this bold vision and an indomitable spirit, Peter Voss set out to pursue the Holy Grail of AI by researching ‘Intelligence’.

This research culminated in the creation of an intelligent human-like cognitive ‘Brain’ that can remember, learn, understand context, reason, disambiguate, & adapt to each individual user. This intelligent human-like cognitive ‘Brain’ can be embedded into any software application, any hardware device to facilitate hyper-personalized interactions across any domain in any industry.

20+ years in the making

After exiting his successful ERP software company, Peter spent about 5 years studying multiple aspects of intelligence. This included such fundamental philosophical and epistemological questions as ‘what is reality, and what is knowledge?’, ‘how do we obtain knowledge and certainty?’; exploring definitions of intelligence; working on a psychometric project to better understand how different dimensions of intelligence can be measured; studying differences between animal and human intelligence; and learning about cognitive development in children. Naturally, he also looked at software engineering (including knowledgebases and language development), and at the many subfields of artificial intelligence, such as formal logic, rule systems, neural nets, machine learning, and cognitive architectures.

These investigations culminated in a new theory and model of human-like cognition and a conclusion that data & compute intense approaches like Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) cannot solve cognition.

2001 to 2005

Adaptive AI

In 2001 Peter launched a 10-person R&D company called Adaptive A.I. Inc. (a2i2) to implement and experiment with this new approach to AI.

Around the same time, he worked with several other AI researchers who had similar ambitions about artificial intelligence – who wanted to re-claim the original vision of AI: to build machines that can learn, think, and reason like humans.

Since its inception more than 60 years ago (in the face of many disappointments), the field of AI has increasingly abandoned its founding goal, instead focusing on specialized, narrow computational problems

This small group of ambitious researchers banded together with Peter Voss to publish a book detailing their individual visions and coined the term Artificial General Intelligence or ‘AGI’ in 2002, which has since become widely accepted as referring to the ‘Real AI’ as envisioned by the founders of AI.

2006 to 2013

Smart Action

By 2006, after many iterations of its ‘AGI’ engine and framework, Peter developed prototype into an ‘industrial strength’ commercial product, SmartAction Company was launched with a tagline of ‘IVR with a Brain’ – it was the first commercial product based on a (proto) AGI engine and first generation of Aigo.ai.

As it turned out, SmartAction’s focus ended up being almost entirely directed at dealing with specific integration, security, scalability, and other standard engineering requirements for its customers, leaving little time for further AGI development.

2013 to 2019

AGI3 Innovations

This prompted Peter in 2013 to form a new pure development company called AGI Innovations Inc (AGi3). For seven years, AGI3 has been in stealth mode with 12 people working full-time cranking up the IQ of Aigo.

2020 to Future


Aigo started its first commercial year with large enterprise customers in 2020 with a powerful, second-generation conversational intelligence engine, Chatbot with a Brain. Over the last decade, approximately 3000 Chatbots (Conversational AI Systems/ Digital Assistants) are introduced, and billions are spent, yet Chatbots continue to remain dumb and ineffective to get things done.


Like humans, Chatbots also need a Brain that gives them the fundamental Cognitive Skills to have ongoing meaningful conversations. Cognitive Skills such as understanding, learning interactively, remembering what someone said, reasoning, disambiguating, and personalizing are crucial for having conversations.

And none of these 3000 Chatbots have a Brain therefore no Cognitive Skills, so they are inadequate by design to have meaningful conversations.

Moreover, current Chatbots use Machine Learning (ML) / Deep Learning (DL) technology, while this technology is extremely powerful for many applications, it is quite unsuitable for solving intelligent natural language interaction.

We combined cognition with common sense and intelligence across the industries and domains, to inspire people to truly reimagine their world with new experiences, and we’re just getting started.

Endless scenarios for hyper-personalization

Aigo is always there for you, with each one of your users, helping, learning, and adapting. With usage, Aigo becomes more personal, powerful and effective for each user.

With Aigo, you can reimagine the experiences you are delivering for your customers and your employees.

Every decision our AI Psychologists and Engineers make every day, rests on your reimagined experiences and we’ve made it our mission to deliver them through hyper-personalized conversations at scale because the world needs imagineers like you more than ever.